How we can help
Our current services include Ngā Parirau and Awhiora Community Support, Residential Care and Social Housing

We have the ladies home Hinepiripiri. Hinepiriri means"wāhine clinging together". Hinepiripiri is a residential home exclusively for wāhine (women) Tāngata Whaiora and was opened in 1994, one of our earliest services. Tāngata Whaiora are placed according to their needs and the facility is a Level 4 mental health facility. Ongoing clinical support is provided through clinical teams. Hinepiripiri is also staffed with qualified mental health professionals - 24 hour a day, seven days a week.

We have Marangatahi. Marangatahi means to "rise as one". Marangatahi is a residential supportive rehabilitation service for tāne (men) Tāngata Whaiora only. The house is situated in Taikata Road, Te Atatū North. Tāngata Whaiora are placed according to their needs. They are provided with ongoing clinical treatment and support through their respective clinical teams. The house is staffed with qualified mental health professionals - 24 hour a day, seven days a week. Marangatahi is a Level 4 mental health facility and was opened in 1999.

Planned Adult Respite
Te Kōtuku Ki Te Rangi provides a Planned Adult Respite facility at Bodi Place, Te Atatū South. Access to this service is through referral from the Home Based Treatment Team or Crisis Team attached to Waitematā DHB. For more information please call (09) 8200045

Ngā Parirau, the "wings" are a mobile community support team providing comprehensive individualised services for Tāngata Whaiora and their whānau based on the principle of recovery. These services are delivered by mental health professionals in the community and/or in the home setting. For more information please call (09) 8200045

Social Housing
Te Kōtuku Ki Te Rangi Charitable Trust owns and manages a number social housing flats and units in central and west Auckland. These are available to rent (from time-to-time) for those experiencing mental health issues or have social hardships. If you have a small whānau or are willing to share, these could be ideal for you. At the moment we have no vacancies. For more information please call (09) 8200045